
  1. Competing in teams of two (2), the team will be required to sort 10 head of cattle in numeric order from one pen into another, within a two (2) minute time limit.
  2. Teams are guaranteed three (3) runs, per entry received.
  3. At the completion of the team’s third run, the team’s current recorded times for their prior 2 runs will be added together with the time recorded for their third and final run.
  4. Teams will receive an aggregate time based on all three (3) runs.
  5. Winners and placings will be awarded to the teams at the conclusion of the third run, the team that records the most completed runs with the best time overall based on their three (3) runs will be awarded the winner. Placings will be paid as per payout calculations.
  6. This competition is an open event, no handicaps will be given
  7. Payment for the winning and placing teams will vary depending on number of entries received. Please refer to the payout calculations for payment breakdowns.
  8. All payments to any competitors will be made via OSKO payment after the presentation of winners and placings are announced. Please ensure you have bank accounts details available for OSKO payments to be made immediately following the presentation.


  1. Riders will nominate in teams of two (2)
  2. Riders can nominate to ride in three (3) teams maximum, and each team has to have a different rider – no team can enter twice with the same combination of riders.
  3. Riders must wear western attire – long sleeved buttoned western shirt, jeans, boots and brimmed western hat or cap.
  4. Riders that are under 18 years of age must at all times whilst mounted wear a helmet, riders that are over 18 years of age who wear a helmet may do so in lieu of a brimmed western hat or cap
  5. Riders will have 30 seconds to enter the arena at the completion of the previous run
  6. Riders who are late or miss their run will be given a “no time” for their run, no exceptions to this rule.
  7. Cattle will be marked with numbers from 0 to 9, the judge at the commencement of the run will draw a number the contestants will then be required to sort the cattle in numerical order from the number given by the judge. For example If a judge called the number 5, the contestants will be required to sort the number 5 to the adjoining pen, then 6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3 and 4.
  8. A run starts with riders on the opposite side of the start line from cattle.
  9. Riders when entering the arena are not to interfere with the cattle, they cannot spread the cattle around the back of the pen, the cattle are to remain in a collected group at the back of the pen. If a beast is standing near the start gate the judge will ask the riders if they are happy with the cattle prior to commencement of run, this will allow the rider to push the cattle to the back of the pen if required.
  10. The judge will advise riders that the cattle are ready and when the nose of the first horse crosses the start/foul line and the first number to be sorted will be announced and this will determine the first beast to be sorted. The cattle will then be sorted in ascending order from that number.
  11. Cattle will be considered sorted once the 10thbeast fully crosses the line at the gate. Timing will stop and run time recorded
  12. Riders will be awarded no time if any rider or horse crosses the gate after the last beast has crossed the gate.
  13. Cattle must be sorted in number sequence. If any part of a beast crosses the start/foul line out of sequence before the correct beast starts across the start/foul line a disqualification will occur – no time will be recorded
  14. No time will also occur if any part of a sorted beast re-crosses the start/foul line. Any beast not entirely across the start/foul line will not be counted.
  15. Riders at the completion of their run are required to push the remaining cattle to the alternative pen for the next
  16. Cattle will be run 10 runs per head and changed at the completion of the 10th
  17. No whips or crops to be used in the arena
  18. If a rider falls off his / her horse, he / she remount and continue sorting, providing he/she has not interfered with any cattle.

19.No surrender rule will apply for this competition – this means if you sort        8 head instead of 10 head, no time will be recorded.

  1. A protest must be made before the team leaves the arena. Judge’s decision on a protest will be final.

21.Reasons for disqualification – Unsportsmanlike conduct, Late for Gate  Call, Riding to aggressively, Roughing the cattle, Hocking, Clipping or        Shunt cattle or Working cattle whilst dismounted – Judge’s decision is        final.

  1. Abuse of cattle or horse will be cause for disqualification, excessive speed used on cattle will not be tolerated and also result in disqualification.
  2. Excessive or harsh use of a bit, under and overring your horse with reins or excessive spurring , gouging of your horse, at anytime during our event will result in disqualification and any times previously recorded will be withdrawn.
  3. If a rider is within two (2) panel lengths of any beast that hits the sorting pen the team will be given a no time.
  4. Spotting cattle or assisting the competitors from outside the arena will be cause for disqualification and no time recorded. All competitors and spectators cannot yell out numbers or advise competitors of any tactical maneuvers to assist them with their sorting, whilst outside the arena, this will result in a no time for the competitors and if the person that has assisted the competitors is also competing, they will be disqualified from the competition. Should the person that is identified not be related or known to the competitors a re-run will be given.
  5. Any bullying / harassment towards judge or officials will be cause for disqualification.



  1. Entries open 6 weeks prior to each event, a maximum of teams will be accepted, once the number of teams has been achieved, any nominations after this date will be placed on a waiting list.
  2. On receipt of nomination, 10 Penned will notify the nominees and advise if their nomination is accepted, a reference number will be emailed or messaged confirming their acceptance full payment is required within 14 days of the confirmation. Should payment not be received in full, the team may be withdrawn by 10 Penned.
  3. $90 per contestant is payable for a guaranteed 3 runs, this includes a $10 trophy levy per contestant for end of year saddles.
  4. Stabling, Camping and Parking can be booked through – please ensure you book camping and stables if you are staying the night.
  5. Insurance Risk Waivers are required to be completed by competitors prior to competing.
  6. In the event a competitor is medically unfit to ride, a doctor’s certificate is required stating the competitor is medically unfit to compete. Please note an administration and cattle levy fee of $45 per entry received will be deducted, prior to any refund being given. 10 Penned Inc will accept a substitute rider, rules regarding the maximum number of runs will still apply as per the format, rules and guidelines. No refunds will be given for no show, disqualification or cancellation.
  7. Competitors are not allowed to walk inside the riding surface of the arenas, 10 Penned will have gate attendants available to open and close gates.
  8. Horses are not to be tied or left unattended in the arenas, please tie your horse to your gooseneck, float or truck whist not competing.
  9. Only competitors that are competing in 10 Penned Inc and have signed riding waivers are to be mounted, any children etc. should not be mounted if they are not competing or have not signed any riding waivers
  10. All horses must be saddled and bridled if mounted, do not ride bareback around the facilities with halters.
  11. No fixed headchecks to be used whilst competing, rings can be used however only with split reins.
  12. Insurance Risk Waivers are required to be completed by competitors prior to competing.

Definition of a Mentee – an inexperienced rider / sorter – a rider that lacks confidence, requires guidance and direction. 

A Mentee is an inexperienced rider / sorter – and in addition must never have won prize money exceeding $500 (in total) from sorting or cow horse events.


  1. Competing in teams of two (2), the team will be required to sort 10 head of cattle in numeric order from one pen into another, within a two (2) minute time limit.
  2. The Mentee will nominate for the event and the number of entries they would like – an open rider will be assigned (drawn) to the Mentee – the open rider must ride in the open competition / however should an open rider not wish to participate in the open competition and only wish to compete in the Mentor competition they can providing they pay the full entry fee for each entry and must comply to all format, rules and guidelines. This open rider will only be eligible for series points for the same number of entries open riders have been allocated to ensure there is no advantage. This open rider will need to advise 10 Penned the day prior to competition which Mentor entry they wish to use as they Mentor entry for points towards the series. If a Mentee is a child or grandchild of an open rider the Mentee can ride with their family in this event.
  3. Teams are guaranteed three (3) runs, per entry received.
  4. At the completion of the team’s third run, the team’s current recorded times for their prior 2 runs will be added together with the time recorded for their third and final run.
  5. Teams will receive an aggregate time based on all three (3) runs.
  6. Winners and placings will be awarded to the teams at the conclusion of the third run, the team that records the most completed runs with the best time overall based on their three (3) runs will be awarded the winner. Prizes will be awarded as per payout calculations – Mentee’s will receive 2/3 of the payout and the open rider will receive 1/3.
  7. This competition is for inexperienced riders. Experienced horseman / woman / or riders with cattle experience are required to ride in the open competition –  please refer to definition above for eligibility.
  8. Prizes will be awarded to the winning and placing teams.
  9. All payments to any competitors will be made via OSKO payment after the presentation of winners and placings are announced. Please ensure you have bank accounts details available for OSKO payments to be made immediately following the presentation.



  1. Riders will nominate individually (1)
  2. Riders can nominate to enter three (3) times maximum, and each team has to have a different Open rider – no team can enter twice with the same combination of riders
  3. Riders must wear western attire – long sleeved buttoned western shirt, jeans, boots and brimmed western hat or cap.
  4. Riders that are under 18 years of age must at all times whilst mounted wear a helmet, riders that are over 18 years of age who wear a helmet may do so in lieu of a brimmed western hat or cap
  5. Riders that are under 18 years of age and are experienced riders and team sorters are required to enter the opens competition.
  6. All Mentee’s competing in the Mentor competition will be evaluated by 3 individual open competitors, if the Mentee is deemed to be too experienced  by any 2 of the 3 open competitors evaluating the teams, the team will be moved into the open competition and their times, cattle sorted will transfer to the open competition. The team will not be eligible for any payouts / prizes from the Mentee competition.
  7. At the conclusion of each event the panel of open riders who are evaluating the Mentees will discuss each Mentee and should the open riders deem any Mentee is to experienced to be a Mentee they will be required to ride as an open rider in future competitions. Their points will be carry over to the open event.
  8. Riders will have 30 seconds to enter the arena at the completion of the previous run
  9. Riders who are late or miss their run will be given a “no time” for their run, no exceptions to this rule.
  10. Cattle will be marked with numbers from 0 to 9, the judge at the commencement of the run will draw a number the contestants will then be required to sort the cattle in numerical order from the number given by the judge. For example If a judge called the number 5, the contestants will be required to sort the number 5 to the adjoining pen, then 6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3 and 4.
  11. The Mentee is to sort / cut the first 5 cattle the Open rider must stay on the gate for the first 5 beasts to be sorted, after the 5th beast is sorted the riders then can alternate or one rider can stay on the gate. The first 5 beasts must be cut by the Mentee – no exceptions. The open rider is to stay within 2 panels of the gate and is not allowed to assist with the cutting of the first 5 beasts. Failure to comply to this rule will result in no time recorded.
  12. Riders when entering the arena are not to interfere with the cattle, they cannot spread the cattle around the back of the pen, the cattle are to remain in a collected group at the back of the pen. If a beast is standing near the start gate the judge will ask the riders if they are happy with the cattle prior to commencement of run, this will allow the rider to push the cattle to the back of the pen if required.
  13. A run starts with riders on the opposite side of the start line from cattle.
  14. The judge will advise riders that the cattle are ready and when the nose of the first horse crosses the start/foul line and the first number to be sorted will be announced and this will determine the first beast to be sorted.

10.The cattle will then be sorted in ascending order from that number.

  1. Cattle will be considered sorted once the 10th beast fully crosses the line at the gate. Timing will stop and run time recorded
  2. Riders will be awarded no time if any rider or horse crosses the gate after the last beast has crossed the gate.
  3. Cattle must be sorted in number sequence. If any part of a beast crosses the start/foul line out of sequence before the correct beast starts across the start/foul line a disqualification will occur – no time will be recorded
  4. No time will also occur if any part of a sorted cow re-crosses the start/foul line. Any cow not entirely across the start/foul line will not be counted.
  5. Riders at the completion of their run are required to push the remaining cattle to the alternative pen for the next
  6. Cattle will be run 10 runs per head and changed at the completion of the 10th
  7. No whips or crops to be used in the arena
  8. If a rider falls off his / her horse, he / she remount and continue sorting, providing he/she has not interfered with any cattle.
  9. No surrender rule will apply for this competition – this means if you sort 8 head instead of 10head, no time will be recorded.
  10. A protest must be made before the team leaves the arena. Judges decision on a protest will be final.
  11. Reasons for disqualification – Unsportsmanlike conduct, Late for Gate Call, Riding to aggressively, Roughing the cattle, Hock, Clip or Shunt cattle or Working cattle whilst dismounted – Judge’s decision is final.
  12. Abuse of cattle or horse will be cause for disqualification, excessive speed used on cattle will not be tolerated and also result in disqualification.
  13. Excessive or harsh use of bit, under and overring your horse with reins or excessive spurring, gouging of your horse, at anytime during our event will result in disqualification and any times previously recorded will be withdrawn.
  14. If a rider is within two (2) panel lengths of any beast that hits the sorting pen the team will be given a no time.
  15. Spotting cattle or assisting the competitors from outside the arena will be cause for disqualification and no time recorded. All competitors and spectators cannot yell out numbers or advise competitors of any tactical manoeuvres to assist them with their sorting, whilst outside the arena, this will result in a no time for the competitors and if the person that has assisted the competitors is also competing, they will be disqualified from the competition. Should the person that is identified not be related or known to the competitors a re-run will be given.

23. Any bullying / harassment towards judge or officials will be cause for disqualification.



  1. Entries open 6 weeks before each event, a maximum of teams will be accepted, once the number of teams has been achieved, any nominations after this date will be placed on a waiting list.
  2. On receipt of nomination, 10 Penned will notify the nominees and advise if their nomination is accepted, a confirmation email or message will be sent with a reference number, full payment is required within 14 days of the confirmation being sent. Should payment not be received in full, the team may be withdrawn by 10 Penned.
  3. $90 per Mentee is payable for a guaranteed 3 runs – please note $10 trophy levy is included in this fee – this is assist with end of year saddles.
  4. Full disclosure of prize money and prizes will be advised at each event.
  5. Stabling, Camping and Parking can be booked through – please ensure you book camping and stables if you are staying the night.
  6. Cash and prizes will be awarded per day – once entries have been confirmed full disclosure of prize money & prizes will be advised.
  7. In the event a competitor is medically unfit to ride, a doctor’s certificate is required stating the competitor is medically unfit to compete. Please note an administration and cattle levy fee of $45 per entry received will be deducted, prior to any refund being given. 10 Penned Inc will accept a substitute rider, rules regarding the maximum number of runs will still apply as per the format, rules and guidelines. No refunds will be given for no show, disqualification or cancellation.
  8. Competitors are not allowed to walk inside the riding surface of the arenas, 10 Penned will have gate attendants available to open and close gates.
  9. Horses are not to be tied or left unattended in the arenas, please tie your horse to your gooseneck, float or truck whist not competing.
  10. Only competitors that are competing in 10 Penned Inc and have signed riding waivers are to be mounted, any children etc. should not be mounted if they are not competing or have not signed any riding waivers
  11. All horses must be saddled and bridled if mounted, do not ride bareback around the facilities with halters
  12. No fixed headchecks to be used whilst competing, rings can be used however only with split reins.
  13. Insurance Risk Waivers are required to be completed by competitors prior to competing.